Downfall of the Muslims: A Review (Part-9)

By Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal

The mother of all crimes
Even the best and the most powerful law or constitution stands powerless and easily violated if there exists no powerful authority to enforce that. In absence of such an authority, even the most magnificent laws of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la stay defunct. In such a state, even the heart land of Islam go under the full occupation of the evil. The rule of the wicked then overwhelms. As a result, breaking laws and committing all sorts of crimes become the norm. Hence, along with the brutalities of the worst despots, thievery, robbery, killing, rape, cleansing of Islamic ideologies show terrible resurgence. Most of the Muslims countries are now ruled by such criminals. Because of them, the human rights and the rights to practise full Islam -with the Qur’anic basics like sharia, khialfa, hudud, shura, and jihad, lie in the death bed. And haram (forbidden) staffs like despotism, monarchism, fascism, nationalism, tribalism, adultery, riba (interest-based economy), gambling, and all sorts of obscenity receive new life.
The rule of despotic criminals is indeed the root cause of the current disgrace of the Muslims. Because of their evil occupation, the Muslim states stand on the top in the list of the most corrupt countries in the world. And basic human rights, political rights, freedom of expression, and rule of law have become a rarity. In most of the Muslim countries, the common people are deprived of any freedom to elect their own ruler. Rather, these rulers get elected by themselves. These despots have been very successful even to corrupt the basic teachings and the ideological attributes of Islam. Because of massive corruption, basics of Islam like sharia, hudud, khilafa, shura, jihad, trans-ethic Muslim unity have disappeared from the Muslim life. As a result, Islam that survives today is not the Islam that brought glory to the Muslims 14 hundred years ago. In those days, complete surrender to the Qur’anic law (sharia) was the norm. But now, rebellion against sharia and cowardice submission to the laws and coercive constitutions of the criminal rulers has become the new norm. The early Muslims followed the Qur’anic roadmap; such adherence to Qur’an was recognised as the marker of taqwah. But now they have invented their own deviations to fit their racist, nationalist, secularist, monarchist, fascist, socialist, capitalist or hedonist agenda. Hence, they stand far away from prophet’s Islam. Therefore, they could quickly attain the lowest of the low in modern history.

Some immoral devils – like a known disease in a society, existed even in the golden days of Islam. But collective immorality and surrender to a despotic ruler is the mother of all social ills and crimes in a society. It is indeed the sign of collective moral death. In the midst of such collective submission to evil, true Islam can’t survive. Rather, committing crime in every heinous ways becomes the part of the culture. Such corruptive culture make people compatible and even submissive to the worst criminals; and turn inimical against Qur’anic Islam. In such corruptive culture, thieves, cheats, robbers, killers, and political despots thrives; and the proven enemies of Islam receive the warmest welcome. In such cultural setting, even the brutal dictators succeed to raise huge army of political foot-soldiers.
On 22nd May, 2017, the ruling class of the Muslim World displayed deep immorality and spineless submissiveness to the evil. The US President Donald Trump is known for his hatred against Islam and the Muslim. He put a ban on entry into the USA from 6 Muslim countries. The Muslim World is embedded with so many catastrophic problems; but these rulers couldn’t meet somewhere to find the solution. But to welcome such an established Islam-hater and to listen his political sermon, 55 Muslim Heads of the States assembled in the holy land of Islam. Since no crime of a people goes unpunished, the Muslims now stands at the receiving end of the worst punishment. For betrayal against Divine decree, the people of Bani Israel went through similar turmoil through centuries. The punishment was imposed on them through occupation and massacres by the Greeks, the Romans, the Iranians and others. Likewise, the enemy’s war of occupation, bombs, drones, torture, eviction, famine and genocidal killing have now become the tool of punishment against the Muslims. According to the Qur’anic revelation, much more await in the akhira.
The people of Bani Israel were the most blessed people. These were blessed with thousands of prophets. But, they are also known for the ugliest rebellion against the decree of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. They confined their duty only in reciting the sharia revealed in the Torah; and utterly denied its implementation. Because of such collective rebellion, Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) couldn’t implement sharia in any land. His disappointment was so high that he said, “O Allah! Except me and my brother Haroon (peace be upon him), I have no control on others.” Because of such betrayal, they turned into the cursed nation on earth. The target audience of such Qur’anic testimony about the worst failure of the Jews are not the dead Jews of the pre-Islamic era. They are the new students of Islam –the Muslims. But the Muslims of today -contrary to the early Muslims, learn very little from these failed students of the Divine religion. Therefore, they are failing in the same way as did the Bani Israel. By sustained submission to the wicked rulers and staying away from the implementation of sharia, they prove themselves as the convict of the same crime.

The assigned status & the assignment
The Muslims enjoy a Divine designation and assignment. Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la labelled them as the best people on earth (khaira ummah)–as announced in the holy Qur’an. But such a status in the midst of the whole mankind is not a birth right of the Muslims. It comes only as a Divine reward for fulfilling the assigned task. In fact, the highest status of the Muslims and the assigned mission are the part of the same package as revealed in the following Qur’anic verse: “You are the best of the nations raised up for the benefit for the mankind; you enjoin the right and eradicate the wrong and believe in Allah.”–(Sura Al-Imran, verse 110). As per above verse, enjoining the right and eradicating the wrong are the key parts of the assignment. Those who sincerely engage in this mission are labelled as the best of all nations. Benefits of the Muslims as well as of the whole mankind depend on exact execution of the mission. And while engaged in execution, defining the right and the wrong emerges as the most crucial moment in life. True iman of a believer as well as his understanding of Islam is indeed tested here. At such junctures, the holy Qur’an and the tradition of the prophet (peace be upon him) work as the ultimate arbitrator. This is why, the Qur’anic knowledge and knowledge of prophetic tradition are the most important matter in in Muslims’ life. No one can’t be a true Muslim without such knowledge, let alone enjoining the right and eradicating the wrong.
No rightful act can ever be enacted under the occupation of the wrongdoers. Hence, for enjoining the right, it is crucial to eradicate the evil rulers –the promoter of the wrongs. So, the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) needed to eradicate Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab and other infidel chieftains from the Arabian Peninsula. The Roman and the Persian Empires needed to be dismantled, too. So, in Muslims’ life, a holy war is indispensable. It is indeed the most costly and the most difficult task in Muslims’ life. For catching even a thief, one needs to engage in a difficult hassle and run a long way. Therefore, for eradicating any evil or brutal despot and his corruptive institutions, it needs a long war -called jihad. It is indeed the only prescribed tool of the Almighty Lord for eradication of the wicked. Otherwise, these evils –supported by the coalition of the national and international devils, never go away on their own.
Like a disease, evil never ceases to exist on earth. Hence, jihad of the believers never stops either. Besides other obligatory rituals like 5 time daily prayer, month-long fasting in Ramadan, zakat and haj, jihad becomes an integral part of the Muslim life. Every Muslim turns into vigilante cum fighter against the evil; hence the early Muslims didn’t need any cantonment to raise any fighting army. This is why Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had to lead 19 battles during his 10 ten years’ rule; and the whole Muslim population were with him. Absence of jihad only promotes and prolongs the corrosive occupation of the evil forces. Such evil occupation paves the way in a community only towards the hellfire and restricts activities that take people towards the paradise. Therefore, for the whole humanity, nothing can be more catastrophic than the rule of the devils. Mere supplications and sermons -even of great prophets, didn’t work to end such occupation. Hence, mere supplications and sermons are not the prescribed Qur’anic methodology, either. Instead, a protracted war against the devils needs huge investment of wealth, intellect, energy and lives. It also needs huge Qur’anic knowledge and the understanding of the prophetic tradition -the indispensable ideological weapon.
Inaction is not an option
It was indeed the greatest wisdom of the early Muslims that they didn’t fail to understand the most critical issue on earth. Hence, they took eradication of the occupying evils as the highest act of ibada in their life –as emphasised in the holy Qur’an. For enactment of the sovereignty of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la and His sharia, they considered it the only option. This is why, their ibada was not confined within the rituals like recitation of the holy Qur’an, five times prayer, fasting, charity, haj and others. Rather, their participation in jihad was hundred per cent. More than 60 per cent of the companions of the prophet (peace be upon him) sacrificed their life in direct combats against the enemies. In those golden days of Islam, any form of peaceful compatibility or co-operation with the evil and staying away from jihad were considered as the most definite markers of hypocrisy (munafiqat). Surrender to the devil and an intention to engage in war against the forces of Truth can lead one to that route. The early Muslims could become the best people on earth and could emerge as the most powerful civilizational force in the whole history of mankind only because of a combative virtue against the evil, and for a promotive role for the Qur’anic Truth. Otherwise, like many other spoiled nations, they too, would have gone down the drain of history without making any positive impact.
Inaction against the forces of evil has never been an option for a true Muslim. In fact, such inaction reveals the death of iman. Only those who have been proven to be the rebel against the Sovereignty of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la and His sharia can take the route of such inaction, submission and friendly compatibility with the evil. They consider the act of submission to the wicked as the essential pragmatism cum wisdom (hikmah). It is indeed hypocrisy. The politics of extreme brutality, despotism, and authoritarianism and the corruptive ideologies like nationalism, racism, fascism, secularism, and capitalism could thrive in most of the Muslim countries in a milieu of such collective cowardice and inaction. If the issue of success in akhira stays constantly on the focus, a Muslim can never stay inactive in a state of such evil occupation. Then, engaging against such occupation emerges as a core element in his ibada. In absence of such a collective combative role of the believers, it becomes impossible for the Sovereignty of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la and His sharia to prevail in His Own lands. Instead, the forces of evil prevail –as is the case in the Muslim World. This is why, true iman and compatibility with the evil forces can’t co-exist together in a believer’s soul.

The fake Muslims & their worst crime
Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la has His Own prescription for humans’ peace in the world and salvation in the akhira. Peace and salvation for the mankind come only through full enforcement of sharia –the Qur’anic law. There exists no other option or roadmap. Faith in Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la and belief in His Qur’anic roadmap –siratul mustaqeem, are the part of the same indivisible package of iman. Belief in sharia is indeed an illustrative marker of belief in Allah –Sub’hana wa Ta’la. Hence, boasting iman in public is entirely fake if he or she disbelieves in sharia and believes in non-Islamic faiths or ideologies as the provider of peace and salvation. Such belief is shirk –an unpardonable sin. It is indeed an act of polytheism. Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la may forgive every other sin but not shirk. The implication of such shirk is huge. Not only it denies or belittles the Qur’anic roadmap –the greatest blessing of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la for the mankind, but also glorify the corruptive ideological inventions of the devils.
With faith in other ideologies and beliefs, one can’t engage in the assigned Qur’anic mission of enjoining the right and eradicating the wrong. For that, full ideological compatibility with Islam is crucial. Moreover, full engagement in such a mission is the sole key for salvation both here and in the hereafter. Only this way, one can find peace, justice, tranquillity and other benefits of Islam and enjoy a safe and supported journey towards the paradise. But, it is a great calamity that one can’t think of such salvation under the occupation of the evil forces like nationalists, fascists, monarchists, secularists, capitalists, socialists, idolaters and other non-Islamists. Nor can one achieve that through five-time prayer, month-long fasting, haj, and charity; practice of sharia is indispensable –as was fully practised by the prophet (peace be upon him) of Islam and his companions. The occupying evil forces never allow any space to practise the prescription of salvation, either. The rule of sharia means the end of their occupation. Hence, any enmity against sharia is not a minor crime; it is the worst crime on earth. It is much worse than dropping nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs kill people, but do not take them to infinite hellfire. But the project of dismantling sharia does that crime quite massively. It dismantles the whole project of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la to deliver endless eternal benefit to the whole mankind. Not only it obstructs the Qur’anic mechanism of delivering the peace and justice to the people, but also blocks the revealed roadmap to the paradise. Therefore, it is a flagrant war against Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la.

The criminals & the Qur’anic labels
Whoever stands against sharia is indeed the worst combatant war criminal -not only against the Almighty Lord, but also against the whole mankind. Sharia sanctions capital punishment for these rebels against the Divine judiciary. It is the key strategy of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la to put some distinctive labels for these wicked enemies of the mankind. So that, whoever wishes success in this world and in akhera must not get nearer to them –let alone become their foot-soldiers. They are branded as kafir, zalim and fasiq -three Qur’anic jargons for the worst creatures on earth. The three Qur’anic narratives for them are: i). man lam yah’kum bi’ma anjalallahu fa’ulaika humul’ ka’firun (meaning: those who do not run judiciary as per revealed law are ka’fir -verse 44, Sura Al-Maida); ii), man lam yah’kum bi’ma anjalallahu fa’ulaika humuz’ za’limun (meaning: those who do not run judiciary as per revealed law are za’lim -verse 45, Sura Al-Maida)); iii), man lam yah’kum bi’ma anjalallahu fa’ulaika humul’ fa’siqun (meaning: those who do not run judiciary as per revealed law are fa’siq -verse 47, Sura Al-Maida). These Qur’anic labels are indeed the most definitive markers for those who will surely go to the hellfire. Five times prayer, month long fasting, haj or building hundreds of mosques and madrasahs and giving millions of dollar as charity can’t compensate for such sins of rebellion against the judiciary of Almighty Lord.
Killing, raping or adultery are grave offences against the humans; but these crimes do not challenge the sovereignty of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la and His law –as happens through obstruction of sharia. This is why, before the advent of kuffar colonial rule in the Muslim World, even the worst Muslim despots in the ruling dynasties of the Umayyad, the Abbasids, the Mughals, the Mamluks, and the Sultans didn’t dare dismantle sharia from the judiciary. In the judiciary of every Muslim land of the Middle East, India, Africa and the South East Asia, only the sharia law prevailed. In fact, before the colonial occupation, the Muslim didn’t know any other law apart from sharia. The crime against the law of Almighty Lord was firstly committed by the occupying kuffar colonialists; and now it sustains in almost every Muslim country under the occupation of the ideological cum political mercenaries of the kuffar imperialists.
Terrorism of evil occupation
Thieves, robbers, thugs and killers of the streets can’t frame any law or run any judiciary. But, whenever they enter into politics and occupy a country, they can do that very freely. Terrorism then turns into a coercive tool of the state. The colonialists used it against the people of the occupied land. In the Muslim World, the occupying despots are using it like the same. They frame laws or announce presidential orders to support their illegal occupation of the state and the state terrorism. So, General Abdul Fattah al-Sisi in Egypt, President Bashar Assad in Syria, King Salman of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Hasina in Bangladesh and other dictators can kill as many people as they wish. The US, the UK, Russia and other arm producers continue to supply more destructive arms to these despots to enhance their killing power. Killing capacity of these despots now decide the fate of the Muslims’ politics, judiciary, law, morality, culture and history. They deem it crucial for their own survival; not for the benefit of people or the country. They take any brutal route that serve their occupation. The whole law-enforcing agencies in the Muslim World are focused only to implement the coercive laws; hence they deliberately ignore the Qur’anic laws. In the name of so-called law-enforcement, imprisoning, torturing and killing are used as the tool to eliminate those who want to practise sharia, shura, hudud, khilafa, jihad and other Islamic basics.
Spreading lies has always been the most commonly used weapon against the Divine Truth. The enemies of Truth spread lies against Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) and even against his mother to dismantle his mission of enforcing sharia that was revealed to Prophet Musa (peace be upon him). Today, they spread malicious lies against anybody who stand for sharia. They call them extremist and terrorist. Whereas, sharia is the part of simple Islam; it was the integral part of Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) mission. Hence, how it can be called extremism or terrorism? Whereas, every act of an occupying war is extremism and terrorism. It kills innocent people. The US-led coalition, Russia and other imperialists consider such war as their own monopoly. In its war of occupation, the USA has dropped more than 21 thousand bombs in Iraq and Syria since 2014.–(Al-Jazeera English broadcast, 27/05/17). The US-led coalition has killed more than a million in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen; turned hundreds of cities into rubbles. It is the most monstrous crime that they took a devastating war to every household of these war-torn countries and evicted more than 5 million people from their home. What would be the worst terrorist act than this? But they get immensely terrified when the same terrorism of war with bombs visit their own cities!
Ending the evil occupation: the greatest virtue
Rebellion against the legal prescription of the Almighty Lord (sharia) leads to other terrible crimes. Then, rebellion against His Vision, Mission and Objectives becomes the part of the culture, politics, warfare and even religious practice of the common people. In such a milieu of rebellion against sharia, fighting against secularism, monarchism, racism, nationalism, fascism, capitalism, socialism and other evil ideologies turns very trivial or unimportant. Even the mullah, the imams, the sheikhs, and the ulama stay away from any confrontational role against the followers of those corruptive ideologies. Amidst such animosity against Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la’s and His rule, the ruling despots even deny any survival space for those who want to practise sharia, hudud, shura, khilafa, jihad and other basics of Islam. Instead, in order to make people fully fit and attuned with the anti-Islamic politics and selfish war of their own survival, they de-Islamise the beliefs, the practices and the rituals of the common Muslims. In order to attain such goal, they deploy intense social, political, educational and cultural engineering with strong anti-Islamic recipe.
Hence, under an anti-Islamic rule, true Islam –as was practised by the early Muslims becomes the worst casualty. They pave the way only for causing deviation from Islam; thus opens doors for the hellfire. This is indeed the greatest calamity of any non-Islamic rule. Hence, in Islam, nothing is more important ibada than dismantling such corruptive rule. It amounts to freeing people from eternal hellfire. This is why, dismantling the non-Muslim occupation of any country has never been described as the Muslim occupation; rather labelled as fathah (opening) of its land for Islam. Ending the occupation of the wicked and opening the Divine road (siratul mustaqeem) towards the paradise is the greatest virtue on earth. It is the holy war in Islam. Those who sacrifice their life in such war –becomes Shaheed, get direct entry into paradise. No other good deed brings such reward.
Alliance with the enemies
Struggling and sacrificing wealth and life for the Divine mission is the most powerful key to receive mercy and forgiveness from Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. Such mercy and forgiveness are more valuable than all that a man can gather on earth. Even the whole planet filled with gold doesn’t equal to it. So it is revealed, “And if you are slain in the way of Allah or you die, certainly forgiveness from Allah and mercy is better than what they amass.”–(Sura Al-Imran, verse 167). The holy Qur’an also reveals that those who die in the way of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la are the people who stay alive even after they are killed. They even receive regular sustenance. Therefore, Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la made it haram (forbidden) to call them dead. It is revealed, “And reckon not those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead; nay, they are alive and provided sustenance from their Lord.”–(Sura Al-Imran, verse 169).
Because of deep iman, most of the companions of the prophet (peace be upon him) could deeply assimilate with the above Qur’anic message. They were ever-ready to do every things in the way of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. Hence, they could passionately take the route of sharia, hudud, shura, jihad and martyrdom. The epic-making success of the early Muslims indeed owe to such a heroic spirit. Because of them, sharia -the greatest blessing of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la, never stayed ignored. Rather, every word of these Qur’anic laws was put into practice. But today, the Muslims live with a different agenda. They claim to be Muslim, but struggling and sacrificing in the way of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la didn’t receive any priority. Rather, they pursue their own selfish agenda and ignore the Agenda of the Almighty Lord. Such opportunism makes them easily compatible even with the war mongering imperialists. So they give free access to the imperialist to the heart-land of Islam; even fight war to prolong their occupation –as seen in Afghanistan and Iraq. The corrupt ruling clique of the Muslim World appear as the ugliest enemy of Islam. Protection of their rule, is the most agenda of their life. Islam that prescribes sharia, shura, hudud, khilafa, jihad and trans-ethnic Muslim unity as an obligation, is perceived as a lethal challenge to their rule. Hence, they firmly stand against the Qur’anic Islam. For stopping its emergence, they even forge close alliance with the worst enemies. 27/05/17 (To be continued)

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