President Of India, Pranab Mukherjee Condemning By All Means The Present Political Leadership Of India
An Analysis By: Balbir Singh Sooch
Posted By Zaheerul hassand
1.President of India, Pranab Mukherjee Is Rightly Condemning By All Means ( with deep and genuine feelings of guilt and remorse and as being said, “In the Roman Catholic Church, repentance for past sins and a firm resolve not to sin in the future) the Present Political Leadership of India”: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch Observed.
2.What does it mean “As a student of history, I was afraid to do anything with the Golden Temple…? I recalled (at Cabinet committee meeting) how Ahmed Shah Abdali had to face serious consequences after the Third Battle of Panipat when he did something wrong with the Golden Temple,” the President of India, Pranab Mukherjee said”?
3.As to how Ahmed Shah Abdali had to face serious consequences after the Third Battle of Panipat when he did something wrong with the Golden Temple, similarly, “Indira Gandhi Most Acceptable Prime Minister Till Today” faced and the President of India, Pranab Mukherjee exactly and truly comparing the ‘WRONG’ of Indira Gandhi with the then cruelty and brutality of Ahmed Shah Abdali?
4.Thus by reminding and teaching of the lessons of the history of intolerance before his retirement after being the President of India, Pranab Mukherjee apologetically –differently (by expressing apology or contrition-regret, sorrow for something and also defending something in speech or writing), while expressing the need for ‘The Present Political Leadership of India’ and reiterating the need for free speech and embracing liberal ideas in order to create a “sensitive and alive citizenry”.
5. Now To Know More About His Views-Assessment-evaluation, judgment Presently About India: ‘President of India, Pranab Mukherjee on Intolerance is in News Again – By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch’ Click Below To Link To Read All:
6.What does it also mean, “Indira Gandhi Most Acceptable Prime Minister Till Today: President of India, Pranab Mukherjee”?
7. President of India, Pranab Mukherjee Is Condemning by all means the Present Political Leadership of India in his own style, but intelligently.
8. President of India, Pranab Mukherjee directly and indirectly condemning the present political leadership of India truthfully and faithfully, someone my say cunningly, persons like may guess it as an act of doing intelligently, knowing very well that Indira Gandhi now nowhere to contradict him.
9. Speaking at the launch of a centennial commemorative volume on Indira Gandhi, Mukherjee said he had told the late PM that it was the most dangerous decision.
10. “As a student of history, I was afraid to do anything with the Golden Temple… I recalled (at Cabinet committee meeting) how Ahmed Shah Abdali had to face serious consequences after the Third Battle of Panipat when he did something wrong with the Golden Temple,” the President said.
11.”Her last speech in Orissa, two days before her assassination, was prophetic. She said, ‘I am alive today, I may not be there tomorrow… I shall continue to serve until my last breath and when I die, I can say that every drop of my blood will invigorate India and strengthen it’.”
12. Gandhi was assassinated on October 31, 1984, at her Safdarjung Road residence in New Delhi by two of her bodyguards, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, in the aftermath of Operation Blue Star.
13. He then narrated what Indira Gandhi told him: “Sometimes history demands some action to be taken which may not prove correct later on but perhaps is most relevant at that time. This decision cannot be avoided.”
14. “In Nutshell, President of India, Pranab Mukherjee Is Rightly Condemning By All Means the Present Political Leadership of India”: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch Observed.
Now To Know More About His Views-Assessment-evaluation, judgment Presently About India: ‘President of India, Pranab Mukherjee on Intolerance is in News Again – By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch’ Click Below To Link To Read All:
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