By Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
The non-existent ummah!
The Muslims as an ummah is now non-existent. They exist only as some national, racial or linguistic identities, not as ummah. A human body can’t survive with its truncated skeleton. Likewise, the body of the ummah can’t survive with divisive maps, flags, walls and borders. This is why, causing division among Muslims is haram (forbidden) in Islam; it is the job of the most evil enemies. The Qur’anic command “la tafarraku” (don’t be divided) is obligatory on every Muslim; only those who are stubborn disobedient to Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la can ignore such stern warning. Islam is all about full submission to His all orders; and any disobedience to any order is kufr. The current political map of the Muslim World is indeed an accurate indicator to show how deep such disobedience runs among the Muslims today. It also reveals how far they have deviated from the legacy of the prophet (peace be upon me) and his rightly guided companions. No amount of religious rituals like 5 times prayer, month-long fasting or haj can hide such failure. It also shows, how the obsession with ethnic, linguistic, tribal and other parochial interest has undermined the concept of ummah and dismantled Islam’s most powerful institution like khilafa. Now the same process of disintegration has started in newly formed states like Iraq, Syria and Yemen.
In comparison to Muslims’ divisive obsession, the non-Muslims show far better political sagacity and wisdom. The South Asian Hindus could form the united India, the European colonialists could form the European Union and the American imperialists could forge the United States. But the Muslims have created 57 states. Despite the same language, the same ethnicity and the same geographical landmass, the Arabs have formed 22 states. When the Muslims had the glory of the most dominant World Power, they had only one state. Dividing and diminishing this World Power has always been the strategy of the enemies of Islam. They have always been in the forefront to support militarily, politically, intellectually and financially to cause its disintegration. To impose such disintegration, they even did bloody wars. In 1917, the British and the French launched wars in the Middle East to dismantle Osmania Khilafa and to create more than 20 Arab states. In 1971, the Indians with the Russian help did war against Pakistan to dismantle this largest Muslim country of the contemporary world. Now in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, the US-led coalition is doing the same to precipitate the full disintegration of Islam’s heart land. The enemies of Islam are so arrogant that they do not keep it hidden that their core security interest lies in the divided map of the Muslim World. Again and again, they have shown their full commitment to protect this disintegration. This is why, while Saddam Hussain took Kuwait –the former integral part of Iraq, the whole western block launched war against him. But when India took Kashmir, Israel took Palestine and China grabbed Tibet, they didn’t do anything. Although they call it the stability of the status quo; but it is indeed the strategy to keep the Muslims disintegrated and powerless.
Ummah is a pure faith-based construct; it doesn’t bear any racial, ethnic or national connotation. The physical existence of the ummah is the most distinguishing marker of muslimness of a people. For knowing the true belief of the Muslims, it doesn’t need any soul-searching effort; it gets expressed through their political polity, identity, ambition and actions. Ummah is indeed the collective embodiment of the Muslims. It is the trans-ethnic common global identity of the believers with a solid foundation on their identical faith, values, laws, and political cum civilizational ambition. It provided the early Muslims the much needed huge infrastructure to emerge as the global civilizational power. Only because of such a faith-based infrastructure, the Muslims with the diverse ethnicities like the Arabs, the Persians, the Kurds, the Moors, the Turks and others could work together to bring victories in Asia, Africa and Europe. In the whole history of mankind, such united endeavours of different ethnicities never happened before. Otherwise, there is nothing new in conquering lands and establishing empires; the Mongol hordes, the European colonialists and the US imperialists could also conquer lands. But they couldn’t build any trans-ethnic brotherhood, higher values, sound laws or civilisation. Instead, they could build massive infrastructures for genocides, ethnic cleansing, slave trading, economic exploitation, famines, wars and World Wars. Because of their moral void and dehumanised rule, millions of Indians, Red Indians, Africans, Aborigines, Maoris, Incas and many others perished from the surface of earth. The catalogue of their crime is huge. The imperialistic mission of occupational wars, killing and economic exploitation still continues.
The Muslims had their own awful internal problems. The Muslim ummah can’t survive conceptually and physically even a short-lived starvation of the Qur’anic knowledge. The Muslims must have the constant feeding of Islamic thoughts, vision, mission and objective. Such knowledge is the vital life-line for the ummah. Hence in Islam, seeking knowledge is a life-long obligation -no less important than seeking shelter, foods and drinks. Seeking Qur’anic knowledge was made obligatory 11 years before the obligatory 5 times prayer. In absence of that, the institutions like Muslim ummah or khilafa can’t survive. This is why, the enemy’s war always feeds on ideological war that aims at dismantling the educative cum nourishing process of Islam. The Muslims have badly lost the ideological war; this owes to their long starvation of Qur’anic knowledge. In the name of education, such starvation was imposed during the colonial occupation of the Muslim countries. The colonialists have left; but the political power is grabbed by those who got fully brainwashed by the secularised education of the colonial era. So, they continue with the same de-Islamisation project of the enemy. As a result, the ummah ceased to survive.
With the demise of ummah and its political infrastructure called khilafa, the Muslims now face the most catastrophic calamity in the whole history. It is much more catastrophic than any political or economic crisis. In absence of political cum military infrastructure of khilafa, the Qur’anic guidance and the prophet’s tradition remain ineffective. Such a divisive state of affairs has indeed generated a perfect recipe for further occupation, exploitation and killing. Hence hundreds of trillions of unearned petrodollars of the Middle East and about 1.5 billion population couldn’t help them come out of the current quagmire. Rather, day by day they are sinking down to a new low. They are growing only in number, but not in faith and commitment. Like a diseased man, they are the seat of their own disease and rotten from inside. The crisis is so deep that the Muslims are no more known for their adherence to Qur’anic guidance. The Qur’anic laws, the pan-Islamic brotherhood, the trans-ethnic institutions like khilafa and jihad in the way of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la find no place in the Muslim World. They have embraced ideas, laws, values, cultural practices, warfare and the concept of state-building based on concepts of pre-Islamic jahiliya. So their states and communities, culture and education, laws and regulations, political visions and missions present little dissimilarities from those of the kuffars. They build states only to promote nationalistic or racial division and bias. They themselves appreciate the kuffar laws and denies the practice of sharia. Their educational institutions work to distract students from Islam and force-feed the established lies. They spend money, take training and fight wars shoulder to shoulder with the enemies to protect the hegemony of the imperialists over the Muslim World. The cases of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria give testimony to that.
The acquired dissimilarities of today’s Muslims from the early Muslims are not in the field of religious rituals, names and nomenclature, but in the purpose of survival, understanding of Islam, political priorities and institutions. The early Muslims, at its zenith, didn’t have a huge population; nor did have a big army. Neither did have trillions of dollars of unearned wealth like today. But they didn’t experience the similar scale of occupation, genocide, rapes, destruction and eviction as it continues now in Palestine, Kashmir, India, Myanmar, Uighur, Bosnia, Mindanao, Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. Rather, they made history of miraculous successes. Even the Mongol hordes couldn’t do such destruction, death, rapes and humiliation of the Muslims that they face today. The Muslims are now the most defenceless people on earth. Although they have armies and weapons, but these are only to protect the despotic rulers and bomb the freedom-seeking people –as currently happening in the Middle East.
The strategy of collaboration
The enemy’s crusade against Islam and the Muslims never ends. It only changes the strategy. They start new wars on new frontiers. The First World War ended in 4 years. The Second World War ended in 5 years. But the US-led new war against Islam and the Muslims doesn’t show any sign of ending even in its 16th year. They are inventing more clues and new narratives to enter into new territories. The current crusade –declared exactly as crusade by President George W. Bush, started in Afghanistan in 2001 to dismantle the Islamic rule of Taleban. It has now expanded to Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and other territories. It is also true that the enemies of Islam have stopped winning any war. They can only continue the killing and the destruction. Even the US President Donald Trump acknowledged the fact in one of his recent speech. Even the US-led coalition of 60 countries couldn’t gain control over 20 per cent of Afghanistan in last 16 years. The same is true in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. They can only prolong the war to delay Islam’s resurgence as a global power. So, the current war will continue for many more decades to add more devastating miseries. Hence, there exists little doubt that more difficult days are lying ahead for the Muslims. Many more Muslim countries are in the queue to receive the same brutalities, deaths and destruction as happening now in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia and Yemen. This is the price that the Muslims are now subject to pay for their division, deviation and servile adherence to the established enemies of Islam. Such a punishment is indeed an unfaltering Qur’anic promise. For failing to do the assigned job, more severe punishment is awaiting for them in the hereafter.
Now it is the policy of President Donald Trump and his cronies to reinforce their war machines to drop more bombs, drones and missiles on the Muslim heads. He has announced a huge increase in the US defence budget and desperately searching for new killing machines. Russia, China and India are doing the same. Now the whole Muslim World is under constant surveillance of the multi-racial imperialists. They have divided the area of influence among themselves. What Israel is doing in Palestine, India is doing the same in occupied Kashmir. And China is doing the same in occupied Eastern Turkistan called Uighur or Xing Xiang. More bombs are dropped in Syria than were dropped in any single like German, Japan, France, or England in the First or Second World War. Whoever raises head in the name of Islam is labelled as the enemy; his home is marked for drone attack. He doesn’t need to engage in any war in the US or European soil. This is the new reality imposed on the Muslim World. In the name of fighting the Islamists, cities after cities are now bombed to rubbles. Drones are hitting homes in Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, and Somalia; and thousands of innocent men, women and children are being killed. About sixty countries are drawn into US-led war against the Muslims; such a huge number of states were not involved even in World Wars. Therefore, apart from occupations, destructions and killings, they have attained a spectacular success to create a global ummah of kufr. This ummah of kufr is also glued together by similar faith, values, political aim and commitment. To resist the resurgence of Islam, they are ready to do any war in any part of the world. In order to solidify their own occupation and to install their own cronies in the occupied lands, they have imposed a policy of forced eviction on people from their own home -as Israel did in Palestine. It is a new phenomenon; and it is new in the Muslim history, too. The Muslims do not have any strategy to face it. Instead, they are busy only with the surrender. They are even searching ways to work as the partners of occupation, arson and genocidal massacre. So President Erdogan of Turkey decided to work with killer President Vladimir Putin. In the past, Sheikh Abdullah of Kashmir, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Bangladesh and Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan followed the same strategy of collaborating with the occupiers. Lust for worldly gains let them forget the consequence in the hereafter. Likewise, millions of de-Islamised Muslims have joined the US-led ummah of kufr to kill the fellow Muslims. Many of them have joined the intellectual war against Islam and the Muslims. Pharaoh, Nimrod, and the Arab infidels couldn’t think of such recruitment of Muslim as their own foot-soldiers in the past.
The enemies of Islam didn’t make any error in discovering the real source of Muslims’ strength. They discovered that it is the holy Qur’an and the unity of the Muslims. So, they at war on both the fronts. During their colonial rule they built religious schools to create a class of ulama who will encourage people to recite Qur’an and not to understand it. And they imposed and also reinforced sectarian and geographical division all over the Muslim World. Now they have bombing to destroy the physical infrastructures like roads, bridges, homes and hospitals. Thus they are doing everything to block the emergence of the Muslims as a united and viable ummah. As a parts of the same project, Israel is not the only enemy creation. The countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Oman, Yemen and Bahrain are also the creation of the same conspiracy. Before the British and the French occupation of Muslim heart land in World War I, like Israel, these states were also unknown in the Muslim history.
Like Israel, these artificial states, too were given readily recognition by the imperialist countries, the imperialist-owned League of Nations and later on by the UN. The map of the Arab World was drawn by the imperialists for the imperialists. Never a plebiscite took place to know the opinion of the people living there. This is the type of democracy that the imperialists prescribe for the people in the occupied Muslim lands. In each of these Arab states, they installed a dynasty of the most submissive and servile clients who never show any willingness to give any share of the political power to the citizens. The US-led coalition of the imperialists take the full burden of protecting these despots as well as the divisive map. They have already shown their readiness to fight any war to protect them. In return, the rulers of these oil-reach Arab states follow a strategy of full collaboration with the imperialists. Protecting the economic and strategic interest of the western imperialists is the core agenda of their rule. Hence, the US could build bases for its Air Force, Land Force and the Navy in the heart of Muslim World. From these bases, they can easily target any Muslim city, industry, bridge or home with better precision. And the western companies enjoy the monopolistic access to drain oil and gas from these countries. As a result, major portion of hundreds of trillion of unearned wealth of the Muslims do not stay in the Muslim lands, rather go directly to those who have already declared an unending crusade against Islam. The US dollar could attain the status of an international currency only because of this Muslim money funnelled into the US economy. Due to continuous flow of this Muslim money, the US could sustain the ongoing war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and Syria, an area much larger than the whole Western Europe, and for a period longer than the World Wars.
In the creation of these new states, the imperialists had other sinister objective too. It was to prevent the spill-over of their unearned huge wealth to the poor Arabs living in neighbouring Yemen, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, and Mali. Such dispersion of wealth to the poor would have reduced the share of western imperialists; hence could badly damage their economic interest. Restrictive borders of these oil and gas-rich states thus provide the huge protected wealth for the imperialists’ consumption. This is why, the US and its ally do not hesitate to tell that the economic interest of the West as well as their national security lie in this Middle Eastern oil and gas. As if, these oil and gas do not belong to these powerless states alone, belong to the western companies as well. To keep this ownership, the imperialists are keen to protect these servile rulers, at any cost. Thus, an extreme western selfishness works here to protect this ugly status quo. Unless the oil and gas reserve get finished, there is a little chance that the imperialists and their cronies will come to the sense to remove this disastrous division of the Arab World and end the ongoing war. Whoever protest against this robbery of the Muslim wealth and stand for democratic right of the people are blamed terrorist. Bashar al-Assad has killed more than 2 hundred thousand people in Syria; half of the population are driven out of their home. He used chemical bombs, cluster bombs and barrel bomb on civilian population. The western countries who lecture on human rights didn’t throw a single stone against his army. Now they are lecturing to make peace with him.
Bashar al-Assad is not the only dictator engaged in genocidal mission. Israel is doing the same crime for more than 65 years. Other despots in the area are ready to commit the same brutal massacre if the people come down to the streets for their democratic rights like the brave Syrians. Their hatred against human right and people’s participation in politics is not unknown. Like Bashar al-Assad, these despots are fearful of their own people. Hence, they are highly fearful of Arab Spring. The US-led coalition is worried, too. Hence, it is the common strategy of these despotic rulers and the US-led imperialists to dismantle or contain the Arab Spring. So, they got common ground to celebrate the overthrow of Egyptian President Dr Mohammad Morsi -the first elected President of the country. In order to stop the wave of Arab Spring, the King of Saudi Arabia and UAE rulers gave billions of dollars to Egyptian Army and other anti-democratic forces in Egypt to overthrow him. Along with other despots, General Abdul Fatah al-Sisi –the brutal killer, too, is taken as a partner to kill the Islamists.
The betrayal of civilizational mission
Downfall of the Muslims not only owes to colonisation of Muslim lands and minds by the evil enemies, but also owes to their own insanity towards politics –especially of those who claim to be religious scholar or ulama. In the community of the so-called puritan Muslims –called traditional ulama, politics is a highly detested taboo. As if, politics is a tool of distraction from ibadah and the Qur’anic straight path. As if, it is an exclusive domain of dirty worldly people. Because of such a conceptual epidemic in the Muslim World, most of the religious scholars and the common Muslims stay out of politics. As a result, an empty space was voluntarily created for the foreign or home-grown anti-Islamic forces to occupy the driving seats of almost every Muslim country. Even when the Muslim lands were occupied one by one by the kuffar colonialists these so-called ulama remained confined inside their own religious seminaries. The enemies of Islam thus could take control of the whole Muslim World without fighting a single significant war. It is indeed the most calamitous event in the whole history of Islam. They terribly failed to understand the importance of politics. For others, politics is a tool for grabbing power and pursuing the selfish interest. But for Muslims, it is the holy mission for attaining Islam’s civilizational vision. Therefore denial of politics is indeed the betrayal of Islam’s humanising and civilizational objective. How such betrayal can be reconciled with the Vision of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la that entails that His deen should prevail over all other faiths or religions?
Even now, the antipathy to politics is playing the most damaging role to speed up the ongoing downfall of the Muslims. Such a conceptual collapse of the so-called ulama could only happen due to total deprivation of an ideological cum political understanding. It is their utmost intellectual incompetence that owes to their utter ignorance of Islam’s early history and its sociological and philosophical concepts. Because of such conceptual incompetence and ignorance, they proved totally unfit to have any leadership role in the Muslim World. They have totally withdrawn even from the ideological frontline and captured the back seats. Whereas in the early days of Islam, ruling and leading the ummah always remained the exclusive domain of the most religious people. As long as the prophet (peace be upon him) was alive, such a key role was always in his hand. After his death, the role was undertaken in succession by the next most religious man in the ummah –like the rightly guided four khalifa. Therefore, it is the legacy of the prophet (peace be upon him) and his rightly guided companions that the best Muslims must be in the central stage of the state and must take the driving seats in every steps of its governance, defence and expansion. Hence, withdrawal from the politics is indeed the betrayal of the core legacy of the prophet (peace be upon him) and his best companions. Such betrayal always causes the most disastrous consequence. In fact, because of such betrayal, the whole Muslim World now stands seized from all sides by the worst enemies.
Like a weapon, politics can be used by the evil people to do evil things. For that, politics can’t be blamed. The good people direly need it, too. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught not only the holy Qur’an and its science of religion, but also sociology, psychology, philosophy, politics and other social sciences. His own teacher was Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. In those days, there was no college or university in Arabia. His mosque based school in Medina was the only educational institute. In those fateful days of Islam, the best governors, best administers, best judges and the best general of human history were produced from his institute. It was his sociological concept that every human is born as a pure Muslim; but grows up as a Muslim or a Christian or a Jew or an idolater depending on societal influence. Such a concept generates an indispensable need for political, educational and cultural engineering that would create the most refined people on earth. The early Muslims therefore understood that for making proper Muslim, it needs a proper Islamic state. In corrupting or correcting souls, the environment nurtured by a ruler and its political, cultural and educational institutions play the most decisive role. This is why, state institutions of Pharaoh could make the people man-worshipping criminals. They chased Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) and his people to annihilate them. Likewise, the Indian Hindu rulers and the priests could make the people cow, snake or idol worshipping psychopaths. But the success of the western imperialists and their institutions went further down such dehumanising route; they could make their people perfect ethnic cleanser, slave traders, gas chamber operators and atomic bombers. These flag bearers of modernity could kill 75 million people only in two World Wars.
Therefore, whoever understand Islam and the prophetic concept, can’t ignore or detest politics. Politics is not only about ruling a country; it is also about governing the people’s faith, culture and life style. It is about framing constitutions, building institutions, enforcing laws, doing the good things and eradicating the evils. It is about educating the people, protecting and promoting the ideas, securing the securities for the citizens and the state. It is about mobilising the people, building and cementing the bondages, protecting the borders, making friends with the neighbours and conducting war against the enemies. Hence, politics is everywhere. It is about implementing Islam and promoting the Vision of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. It is all about ibadah. Without engaging in politics, how one can practise Islam? How can one implement sharia, hudud, shura, jihad and other obligatory Qur’anic basics? Politics is indeed embedded in every step of practising Islam. All great civilizational achievements in human history like human rights, women’s rights, abolition of slavery, abolition of colonialism, end of enemy occupation and many others owe to political actions of the people. The great iconic personalities of Islam like Imam Hussain (RA), Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Ahmed Hanbal, Imam Ibne Taimiyah, and many others had to suffer severe persecution, some of them even martyrdom, due to their political thoughts.
But it is a sad reality that those who are insane can’t understand the worth of life saving medicine. They run away from treatment. Those are conceptually insane they do not behave differently either. They detest and keep themselves away from politics. It owes to their inadequacy of knowledge not only on political science but also on other social sciences. Since such sciences are not taught in religious schools, such ignorance is quiet deeper among the so-called ulama. Hence they fail to realize that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his rightly guided khalifa were not only the religious leader; they were the political leader of the ummah, too. They were the head of the state. How a Muslim can reject their sunnah? Without engaging in politics, is it impossible to be a full Muslim? Such incomplete muslimsness has indeed brought the Muslims to the current quagmire.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle described humans as the political animals. According to him, a man can’t qualify as human if he doesn’t possess the political instinct. Such an instinct propels humans to sacrifice their time, wealth, energy, even life to bring changes in the country where they live. Animals do not possess such instinct, they survive only to eat, drink and to procure. Hence people with animal instinct can’t build civilisation. A Muslim needs the political instinct to fit into Islam’s own framework of vision, mission and objective. Only those who fit into the Vision of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la can engage in jihad and attain shahadah (martyrdom). The Vision is li’yuzhirahu aladdini kullihi; it means that His prescribed code of life (deen) should prevail over all other deens. That was true for the companions of the prophet (peace be upon him). That is why all of them joined jihad and majority of them attained shahada. But those who claim to be the traditional ulama or moderate Muslim they have taken a different path. In their path, there is no Islamic state, no jihad, no shahada and no place for sharia and khilafa. So, it runs far away from the path of the prophet (peace be upon him) and his rightly guided companions. So, no drone or missile falls on their head. Rather, all the despotic rulers of the Muslim World keep their door open for them. Even the enemies of Islam spread prayer mats for them.
The crime of inaction
In the golden days of Islam, building and defending an Islamic state called khilafa always occupied the central part of the Muslims’ agenda. They used to spend wealth, fight wars and sacrifice life for that. Today, it is a very peripheral issue of the common Muslims and a non-issue for the so-called ulama. Some people think casting a vote in every 4 of 5 years is enough to do the job. They have little or no role in islamisation of the state. As a result of such inaction, most of the Muslim states stay unfit or incapacitated to do any meaningful service to Islam and the Muslims. Inaction is not the part of Islam; Muslims pleases Allah Sub’hana wa Tala only through benevolent actions. Muhammad bin Qasim – a brave Muslim general hurried with his Army to save the oppressed Hindu people of Sind from a tyrant ruler. But now the Muslim rulers and their armies stand silent while the Muslims are persecuted in their neighbouring countries. Sometimes, they become part of the persecution. Such collaborator of evil are huge in the Muslim World. For example, the former Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf and his cronies collaborated with the US invasion in Afghanistan and helped arrest hundreds of innocent people to feed Guantanamo Bay prison. The former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak didn’t allow even the injured Muslims of Gaza to enter Egypt while they were heavily bombed by Israel. The Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina didn’t allow the boats of tormented Rohynga Muslims to get nearer to the sea shore of the country. And the Syrian and Iraqi refugees didn’t receive any easy access to Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich gulf states; as a result, they needed to sail their unsafe boat to cross the Mediterranean Sea. Thousands of them died on the way and many women were raped. These are the harsh reality of the Muslim World. It tells a lot about the total incompetence cum criminality of the rulers who now rule the Muslim World.
Under any despotic rule, a Muslim country never works as a safe haven even for Islam and the Muslims. Instead, such a country, like any other kuffar country, turn equally hostile to full practice of Islam. And how one can practise full Islam without practising sharia, hudud, shura, khelafa and jihad. Islam as a complete code of life can never be fully practised in a hut or a cave. It needs a conducive and enabling space of an Islamic state. So, the prophet of Islam and his companions had to build a state. How can a Muslim ignore such a great legacy? Communism ceased to exist as a political power after the collapse of the Soviet Russia in 1991. Communism now survives only in the Marxist books. The same has happened to Muslims after the ruin of the core Islamic state. Now, sharia, hudud, shura, jihad, khilafa and other Divine prescriptions are found only in the holy Qur’an and in the books of Islamic fiq’h. These have no place in Muslims’ life; nor in any Muslim country! Surprisingly, after all these grotesque deviation from the prophet’s (peace be upon him) legacy, they still think Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la is pleased with them and they will enter paradise! In the holy Qur’an, Allah Sub’han wa Ta’la depicted the same funny belief of the Jewish people to warn such erroneous Muslims They were given sharia in Torah; they were asked to establish a state and practise sharia. They betrayed the decree of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. But still they claim that they are the chosen people of the Lord and will enter paradise. (to be continued)
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