The honourable Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi made a speech during an election meeting in Jaunpur on the 3rd of this March. The speech was all about a minister of Uttar Pradesh, Gayatri Prajapati who is allegedly involved in a rape case. According to the media details, a look-out notice has been issued against this culprit, his passport has been confiscated and the Police are searching for him but the Samajwadi Party and the Congress are doing all their best to save him from the grip of law. Mr. Modi very bluntly, openly and boldly condemned and criticized the behaviour of Gayatri Prajapati, the Uttar Pradesh minister. In his address to the people of Jaunpur Mr. Modi said, “Adaughter is seeking justice and the chief minister is shielding the gunehgaar (guilty)… what bigger blot can there be than this that in Uttar Pradesh when a buffalo goes missing, the government runs to find it. But, a girl is crying for justice and the police and chief minister are sleeping… such a government needs to be punished.’ Unfortunately when the ‘ Magician of Words’ Mr. Modi was condemning his political opponent Samajwadi Party and the Congress, an FIR was being registered in Gujrat’s Kutch district against four BJP leaders for their alleged involvement in rape of a woman 24 year old. According to the details the woman was gang-raped allegedly by 10 people including four local BJP leaders. The woman was allegedly forced into prostitution by the accused, who also blackmailed her after filming the rape. The victim named 10 people in the First Information Report (FIR). She also alleged that the accused lured many other girls and women into prostitution and exploited them sexually after promising them jobs in Naliya town of Kutch district. Earlier in February, a Former Delhi BJP MLA Vijay Jolly was also booked for rape after a woman alleged that he drugged and assaulted her. The woman, a resident of south Delhi, told police that that she was drugged and sexually assaulted in Gurugram earlier this month when she visited it with Jolly. According to a report published in the Mid-Day, the woman said she had known Jolly for some three years and that the incident happened on February 10. Jolly had been BJP’s MLA from Saket in 2003-08. In another case of the same type, the Delhi Police filed an FIR against BJP leader Harak Singh Rawat on 30th July 2016 after a woman accused the former minister of raping her. Police have launched an investigation into the complaint. So such allegations of involvement in rape cases are not new for the BJP leaders. Earlier on 22nd June 2016, the Indian Express published a very detailed report on the BJP leader Jayesh Patel who was allegedly involved in rape of a nursing student of Parul University in Vadodara. 66 year old Jayesh Patel is the founder-president of this privately owned Parul University in Vadodara. According to the details, the complainant accused Bhavna Patel, the rector of the women’s hostel of that university of abetting the crime. The local police registered a case against the BJP leader Jayesh Patel and Bhavna Patel who were absconding that time. The victim said in the FIR that Jayesh raped her one night at his residence near the women’s hostel. She said that Bhavna took her to Jayesh’s house where Jayesh threatened to rusticate and fail her if she revealed the alleged crime. Fortunately or unfortunately Mr. Modi is the leader of all such criminals. Rape is not the only crime in which the BJP leaders are allegedly involved; there are so many others also. A report published in the Hindustan Time says that twenty-four of the 78 Union ministers of the Narendra Modi cabinet have criminal cases registered against them. The report further reveals that 14 of these ministers are involved in serious criminal cases related to murder, attempt to murder, kidnapping and crimes against women. This pathetic situation demands serious attention from the Magician of the Words, Narendra Modi. It is true that his party has won the recent elections in Jaunpur; it is also true that the credit of winning elections in Jaunpur directly goes to Mr. Modi but it is also a bitter reality that saving Indian women from rape is also an important responsibility of Mr. Modi, particularly when the rapists belong to his own party.
via Pakistan News – Pakistan Views – Zameer36 Global Issues & World Politics
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