by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
The treachery
The several hundred years’ downhill course of the Muslims hasn’t ended yet. Rather, has gained new speed to take them to a new low. The ongoing deaths, rapes, destruction, occupation, and cleansing of the native Muslims[FK1] are setting new context for further decimation and humiliation of the Ummah. A new generation of Sykes and Picot (Sykes and Picot -the two insiders of the British and the French colonial establishment who drew the current map of the disintegrated Middle East at the time of World War I) are drawing up a new map for further fragmentation of the Muslim heart land to fit into their new imperialistic agenda. Scores of Sharif Hussain (Sharif Hussain: the Ottoman Governor of Hejaz who betrayed the khalifa and worked with the British Army in 1917 to bring colonial occupation that caused creation of Israel and fragmentation of the Middle East) are already working with the new brands of Lawrence of Arabia (Lawrence: a British Army Officer, known for his deceitful role in igniting the Arabs revolt against Osmania khilafa) to prolong the new colonial occupation of the Middle East.
Now, the success of the enemies is so huge that true Islam -as revealed in the holy Qur’an and practised by the holy prophet (peace be upon him) and the early Muslim, exist nowhere in the Muslim World. It is indeed the number one failure of about 1.5 billion Muslims. The failure is so total that one can discover only from history book that sharia, shura, hudud, khilafa, justice based on Qur’anic law, trans-ethnic Muslim brotherhood and jihad in the way of Almighty Allah were the integral part of the golden early days of Islam. It is worth noting that today’s Muslims are little concerned about such missing fundamentals of Islam; rather show violent incongruity cum enmity against any attempt of revival of such obligatory Islamic basics –as Islamists are facing under the secularists’ occupation in many Muslim countries. In such a state of abrogation of sharia, hudud, khilafa, jihad and other basics of Islam, how a Muslim -who has an iota of love for his Almighty Allah can pass a single day or night with mental peace and complacency. Becoming a Muslim means to be an exclusive member of the party of Allah –the Almighty Lord. And it is a total commitment. That implies that he must dedicate his time, energy, money and even life so that His deen (the code of life) prevails over all the different brands of falsehood. Therefore, how can he join the secularist, nationalist, monarchist, socialist or imperialist camps to fight their wars against Islam? But it is the stern reality that there exist hundreds of thousands people in the Muslim World who are working hand in hand with the foreign infidels to fulfil their anti-Muslim agenda. These home-grown Trojan horses are working since the colonial era. The ongoing decline of the Muslim Ummah indeed owes to these inimical insiders.
It is not difficult to understand that a catalogue of causes worked together to bring down the Muslims to the current quagmire. But the root cause is the betrayal of the core agenda of the Muslims’ survival –prescribed by Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la in the holy Qur’an. Here, the crime is huge; it is indeed the ugliest treachery against the greatest transaction that has ever been made by Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la with any people. The text of the transaction comes as follows: “Surely Allah has purchased from the believers their life and their property for this that they shall have the paradise; and they fight in Allah’s way, so that they kill and get killed; a promise which has been binding on Him in the Taurat, and the Injeel and the Qur’an; and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? Therefore, rejoice in the pledge which you have made (with your Lord); and that is the greatest achievement.”–( Sura Taubah, verse 111).
The highest transaction
The value of the above deal can’t be measured in material term. Mountains of gold can’t get near to its worth; its value is invaluable. In the above deal, Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la pledges to offer a house in the paradise. A house in the paradise can’t be bought even by trillion tons of gold; can only be earned by full belief in Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la and sacrificing the wealth and life in full practice of His deen (the Qur’anic code of life). Thus, has been kept within in the reach of a very poor man. The transaction between Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la and the believers worked successfully in the days of the early Muslims; and had the ground breaking impact. As a result, the deal could accomplish the finest and the most remarkable revolution not only Muslims’ personal life but also in the whole human history. The whole focus of survival of these early Muslims was only to please Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. Therefore, they could build the unshakable moral force; and could raise an army of the death-defying people to fight the evil forces. Their success was huge. Not only they could eradicate the evil forces from a large part of the world, but also could raise the finest civilisation on earth. Changing people’s faith, culture, ideology and the life style is the most formidable task in any segment of history; even cow, snake or idle worshiping paganism causes more intense and more durable addiction than the strong narcotics. Therefore, without a strong fighting force, even the best man on earth and his most truthful ideology can’t get any place on earth. This is why the great Divine messenger like Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), Prophet Musa (peace be upon him), and Prophet Issa (peace be upon him) couldn’t prevail over the contemporary evil forces. Whereas the most evil ideologies of the human history like colonialism, imperialism, nationalism, racism, fascism, communism and paganism could make history of long-lasting successes. Such successes of the evil forces owe to the huge armies that they could raise to support their falsehood. In such context, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) set an exemplary example how to raise an army to serve the cause of the divine Truth and defeat the evil forces. Which is why he is the best model for the mankind.
The history is full of evidences that the followers of the wicked ideologies never give any space for Islam. To encounter them, it is indispensable that the most humanising tool of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’al should also frame its own strategy. And surely it has. Otherwise, how one can eradicate such horrendous criminals? In view of such awful situations created by the evil forces, Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la has already revealed His Own strategy. He wants to punish these evil mongers not by the angels but by the hands of His Own Army of the believers –as declared so many times in the holy Qur’an. Jihad in His Way thus gets obligatory in Islam. Such a strategy has been repeatedly mentioned in the holy Qur’an. And for raising such a Divine Army, the deal between Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la and the believer –as revealed in Sura Taubah, indeed works as a recruitment tool. Whoever fulfils the deal, gets the promised key for the paradise. Since no man or woman has ever seen the paradise, it is beyond humans’ ability to make a genuine guess on the gain of a believer in the transaction. It is an exclusive domain of All-Knowing Allah Sub’hana wa Tala; and the All-Knowing Lord describes it as the greatest achievement for a believer. The gain is so huge that Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la asks every deal-making believer to celebrate it. The above verse thus makes a ground-breaking impact on the conceptual premise of a true believer. It creates a tremendous moral cum spiritual force in him; could even make him a moving missile into the thick of an enemy army. Since his life and wealth are already sold-out to his Almighty Lord, a Muslim has nothing to lose in jihad; rather gets a chance to win a huge world of plenitude both here and in the hereafter. Thus the deal works as a powerful incentive to drive him directly into the paradise. This is why only three thousands Muslims could face more than one hundred thousand Roman soldiers in the battle of Mutah. And only 17 Muslim soldiers could free the huge state of Bengal from the kuffar occupation in the early year of thirteenth century.
Humans are always moved and motivated by the prospect of better gains. Such a core element of human character is not unknown to the All-Knowing Creator. If a man is given a salary of 20 million instead of 20 thousands, then the most powerful incentive comes to his heart. His devotion, dedication and love for doing the job get sky high. He will do everything to please his paymaster. Every quality moment of his life, every best bit of his talent and every skill under his possession will be invested to improve the performance. In fact, all of his physical, intellectual and professional abilities will be deployed to please his employer. He will not leave the job at his work station; rather will carry it in his head even while he is in the living room, bedroom or in the kitchen. Even while walking in the street or driving the car or taking food and drinks, the same thought that how to excel in doing the job works in his mind. If needed, he will not hesitate to sacrifice even his life. Even for a salary of few hundred pounds, thousands of Arab, African and Indian mercenaries fought bloody wars and even sacrificed their lives for their British, French or Italian colonial masters -especially in the two World Wars. Due to such human nature, culture of mercenarism flourished even in the Muslim lands. Even now, hundreds of thousands of so-called Muslims work as mercenaries to sustain the enemy occupation in the Muslim lands.
The reward of compliance
The Muslims attained the highest glory in the past. But such glory didn’t come as manna and salwa. It is indeed the reward of compliance with the deal that Almighty Lord made with the believers. They will receive more reward in the hereafter. The worth of the deal can’t be measured by trillions of dollars or mountains of gold; one can’t put any value on the heavenly gain. It is invaluable. A drop of water can be compared with the water of all the seas and the oceans; because, both are finite. But one can’t make a comparison between the worldly gains with the gains in the hereafter. Since the gain in the hereafter is infinite, no amount of worldly achievement is comparable to that. One can’t be a true Muslim with an iota of doubt about the truthfulness of the transaction. Since fighting in the way of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la is the part of the deal, fighting spirit in His cause comes spontaneously in Muslims’ life as the part of faith; and jihad becomes an integral part of the Muslim culture. This is why one can’t find a single companion of the prophet (peace be upon him) who didn’t take part in war against the enemies. Of those who were not physically disable, the participation in jihad was 100 per cent; and more than 70 per cent of them became shaheed. The prophet (peace be upon him) himself led 27 wars and he was badly wounded, too. Jihad was such an integral part of Muslim life that it stands as the common marker to identify the munafiqs from the true Muslims. The prophet (peace be upon him) told, even a claimant of faith in Islam is in fact a munafiq if he hasn’t taken part in jihad in the past and doesn’t intend to do so in the future. Mere belief in Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la can’t generate such a paradigm shift and the sacrificing spirit; even the kuffars of the Arabia had belief in Almighty Allah. Abdullah (meaning: slave of Allah) was the popular name even before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Even, his father’s name was Abdullah. Today, one and half billion Muslims believe in Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la too. But they couldn’t be the fighting force for Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. On the contrary, they embraced and fought for the political, ideological and cultural concepts of the kuffars. As a result, nationalism, secularism, fascism, capitalism, monarchism and other kuffar ideologies could get the victory in the Muslim majority countries and Islam stands badly defeated. Their iman didn’t go deeper and utterly failed to make any paradigm shift or conceptual change. It is indeed the robust reflection of their disbelief in the transaction with Allah Sub’han wa Ta’la.
The history reveals other truth, too. The believers’ investment of time, talent, wealth and life in Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la’s cause doesn’t work alone; the Almighty Lord’s own investment also comes very quickly to their side. The mighty angels and other blessing of the Almighty Lord descend down to help them. In the past, even tiny birds called ababil turned into precision bombers and the pebbles became destructive shells to decimate King Abraha’s huge contingent of elephants –as narrated in Sura Fil in the holy Qur’an. As a result, the promised victory and glory came to them; and khilafa, sharia, hudud, shura, justice and other basics of Islam could get rightly established in the newly launched Islamic state. Hence it is clear that one can’t be a full Muslim, nor can be the part of the Divine mission by mere participation in rituals like 5 times prayer, fasting in Ramadan, haj or spending money for the poor. Fighting in the way of Almighty Lord must go side by side with these obligatory rituals –as was seen in the early days of Islam. In fact, fighting in His way is the highest act of piety that pleases Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la the most -as mentioned in the holy Qur’an: “Surely Allah loves those who fight in His way in ranks as if they were a cemented wall.” –(Sura Saf, verse 4).
But today, the Muslims live with a different brand of faith, objective, politics and culture. Their faith doesn’t recognise any deal with Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la; nor does incorporate any fighting in His cause. The government media, the textbooks and the so-called ulama of the Muslim countries are busy to hide those Qur’anic verses from the public eyes. As a result, the basics of Islam like sharia, khilafa, hudud, trans-ethnic Muslim unity and jihad have no place in the lives of the most of the Muslims. The betrayal of the deal is so explicit that fighting in the way of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la has no place in the list of their priorities. Rather they have forged bondage with invading enemies –as evidenced by the presence of thousands of Turkish, Afghan, Albanian and other Muslims in the NATO forces. For certain time, one of the Turkish Generals even hold the position of the commander of the occupying NATO forces in Afghanistan and led the killing of Muslims there.
The Muslims have grown only in number, but not in iman and good deeds. The Qur’anic text of the transaction with Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la doesn’t work in their heart and mind. Hence, they feel free from any bondage or agreement with the Almighty Lord. Because of such detachment, they get easily closer to the enemies of Islam; even become intimate partner in their war of occupation, death and destruction in the Muslim lands. Thus their fake claim of iman get easily exposed. Those who helped the kuffar invasion of Bengal in 1757 and 1971, Middle East in 1917, Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 were not the idol-worshipping infidels. Rather, they were the fake Muslims who possessed no feeling or respect for the Muslims’ life, honour, interest or independence. Because of such moral and spiritual death, hundreds of thousands of the Arab, the African and the Indian Muslims fought in the British, French and Italian Armies as mercenary in the 1st and 2nd World Wars. They think, rituals like 5 times prayer, month-long fasting in Ramadan, charity and haj are all about Islam. As if, the holy Qur’an doesn’t give any political guidance vis-à-vis warfare and the selection of friends and foes. As if, they are free to select even the kuffars as friend and fight with them to kill the Muslims. Islam -as was practised by the prophet (peace be upon him) and the early Muslims stands totally foreign to them. As a result, the societies or the states they have built are grossly dissimilar to that of the prophet (peace be upon him). Rather stand very similar to those of the contemporary kuffars: with secularism, nationalism, racism, capitalism and the kuffar law in the heart. Thus, the continuation with the gross deviation from the Qur’anic straight path becomes the norm in the Muslim World. Hence the city life and culture of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Beirut, Cairo, Istanbul with their pubs, clubs and casino are little different from that of London, Paris, Rome or New York.
The benchmark
The deal with Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la sets the bench mark of a true Muslim. He needs to be a full Muslim not only in name and rituals, but also in faith, dedication and action. Because of fake belief and treacherous acts, even five times prayer behind the prophet (peace be upon him) in prophet’s mosque in Medina couldn’t help the hypocrites to become true Muslim. The word “Muslim” means who fully submits to the revealed wishes, rules, and guidance of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. It is a life-long commitment. Hence, in the time of prophet (peace be upon him), a Muslim was not only a symbol of a humble man engaged in prayer, pilgrimage, charity and other good deeds, but also a model of steadfast fighter against the enemies of Islam. Every word, every pledge and every declaration of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la in the holy Qur’an has a serious binding on a believer. It doesn’t need any repetition of an order again and again to make any deed obligatory; simple announcement in the Qur’an is enough for that –as has been the case of obligatory rituals like 5 times prayer, fasting in Ramadan, performance of haj and deliverance of charity. To add an extra importance to His pledge, Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la has incorporated a word “inna” (means: certainly) in the beginning of the verse 111 of Sura Taubah. To reinforce the pledge further, the Almighty Lord has also invoked the names of three Divine books like Taurat, Injeel and Qur’an in the same verse. Thus the most power deal of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la was made public to the benefit of the true believers.
The greatest change-maker
Only a single verse of 185, Sura Baqara, made a month-long fasting in Ramadan obligatory; and didn’t need a second verse to emphasize its importance. Similarly, above mentioned single verse of Sura Taubah was enough to bring an overwhelming conceptual shift in the Muslim mind vis-à-vis their role on earth. The pledge of Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’ala thus worked as the greatest change-maker in the whole human history. For any societal or civilizational change, such a ground-breaking conceptual shift is indispensable. The earth is not flat, rather round -such a discovery of Copernicus laid the foundation of Europe’s huge political, territorial and material gain and gave Europe a quick global domination. Because, the new concept of a globular shape of earth prompted Cristopher Columbus to navigate westward to find a shorter route to India. While searching a new route for India, he instead discovered America. Thus he opened a gateway to add enormous material splendour to Europe. The Muslims’ glory in the past also owes to such a huge paradigm shift. The holy Qur’an could successfully raise a new conceptual base in the Muslim mind. The new concept brought a ground-breaking revolution vis-à-vis humans’ understanding on the ultimate fate. It reconfirmed the resurrection of every man and woman after the death, the accountability in the hereafter and abode in the paradise or in the hellfire. In the new conceptual premise, the worldly life is viewed only as a short exam period to qualify for the paradise. And an abode in the paradise is considered the greatest achievement in life; and hellfire comes as the punishment.
The new conceptual revolution instilled a new set of priorities in the Muslim mind. Whatever Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la wishes got the topmost importance; and the personal agenda wasn’t given any preference to that. In the deal, Allah Subhana wa Ta’la asks not only to slay His enemies; but also ask to be slain in His way. So the companions of the prophet (peace be upon him) showed an exceptional valour not only to kill the enemies of Islam, but also to embrace martyrdom. Khaled bin Walid was a great hero of Islam; he is recognised as a famous war strategist of exceptional talent. He led Muslim Armies so many times to victory. He could kill numerous enemies, too. But he couldn’t be killed in the cause of Islam; that very point remained a source of his deep frustration in later years. Such a conceptual state of the believers tells a lot about the impact of the Qur’anic deal on the psyche of the early Muslims. Many other verses of the holy Qur’an reinforces the same spirit. For example: “O you who believe! Shall I guide you to a trade that will save you from a painful punishment? (It is that) you believe in Allah and His messenger and do jihad in the way of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is the best for you if you could know.”-(Sura Saf, verse 10-11). It is also revealed, “Therefore, let those fight in the way of Allah, who sell their worldly life for the hereafter; whoever fights in the way of Allah, then he be slain or be victorious, We shall grant him mighty reward.”-(Sura Nisa, verse 74). Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la also asks the Muslims to examine their own compliance with the Divine decree. Hence they are asked, “And what is (the matter) with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and (for) the oppressed among men, women and the children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper” -(Sura Nisa, verse 74).
The deal with Satan!
Islam stands firmly on some fundamental pillars of faith; a Muslim can’t grow up as a true Muslim with compromises on those basics. Any amount of compromise on those basics are not trivial; these are grave sins that reveals detachment from Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. The deal with Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la means strong attachment with the Qur’nic roadmap and jihad in His way. The Qur’anic straight path is only one; all other paths are the Satanic deviation. The Qur’anic straight path exists not only in prayers, but also in politics, warfare, trade, education, culture and all other aspects of life. Hence, there is no scope of deviation in any arena of life; deviation means following the Satanic roadmap. Then, the journey starts towards the hell fire. The political and military pledges with the Satanic forces on earth are indeed the markers of such deviation. These deviants don’t move alone; rather take other people to the hellfire, too. Hence, in Islam, it is the greatest jihad not only to defend the geographical frontiers of an Islamic state, but also to protect the ideological purity of Islam and save people from Satanic truck. But the Muslims have terribly failed on both the counts. The mission of great prophets like prophet Musa (peace be upon him) and prophet Isa (peace be upon him) collapsed mostly due to ideological corruption of their Divine teachings. Due to such corruption, monotheism of prophet Isa (peace be upon him) turned to polytheism with a deceptive façade of so-called trinity. And sharia –as delivered to prophet Musa (peace be upon him) as Ten Commandments remains captive in the Book of Torah and didn’t receive any chance for implementation.
The Muslims now face the same evil strategy of the same enemy who corrupted the Divine faith of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) and Prophet Isa (peace be upon him). The several-century-old war of these enemies not only aim at occupying and exploiting the Muslim land, but also at corrupting and dismantling the core elements of Islamic faith. As the colonial occupation got its grip on the Muslim World, the sharia-based judiciary along with the Islamic education was dismantled. The enemy used the whole education system as a tool of immunising people against Islam; hence those who received education in the colonial institutions become the hard core opponents to Islam. They easily became Trojan horses cum political agents of their colonial masters. Because of them, growing up as full Muslim, practising full Islam and implementation of obligatory sharia remained impossible even in the Muslim majority countries. The colonial occupation has ended long ago; but, because of them, the colonial legacy still survives with greater ferocity –as seen in Islamabad (Lal Masjid, July 2007), Dhaka (Shapla Roundabout, Dhaka, May, 2013) and Cairo (Rabaa Al-Adawiya, August, 2013) by the secularised Army’s mass-slaughtering of unarmed Islamists. In fact, the new occupation under these de-Islamised Trojan horses now goes unfettered in most of the Muslim countries. Hence, more wine shops, more brothel houses, more casinos, more obscene sea beaches, more interest-based banking, more enforcement of kufr laws and more public shows of vulgarity are seen under this new occupation. As a result of long indoctrination during the colonial era, most of the Muslims have forgotten the most basic element of iman that entails abiding by the solemn transaction with Allah Sub’han wa Ta’la. Such deal has gone to complete oblivion. As a result, fighting in His way is no more a part of their political, ideological or cultural roadmap. And the very few those who still fight have fully forgotten that fighting in His way means fighting for his sharia, hudud, khilafa, justice and trans-ethnic Muslim civilizational state. Such gross derailment from the Qur’anic straight path can only expedite further disaster and downfall. And the Muslims are indeed in the midst of that. 18/12/2016
via Pakistan News – Pakistan Views – Zameer36 Global Issues & World Politics
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