Deepika Padukone made her dream debut with King of Bollywood Shahrukh Khan. Everyone assumed that it would only be five minutes of fame for this hottie. But she worked day and night and worked hard and made it to the top. She gave us back to back hits like Bachna Ae Hasseno, Love Aaj Kal, Break Ke Baad and the list goes on and on.
If given an oppurtunity to live her life. Would you? Well, a lucky someone was chosen by Deepika to live her life for one day. Deepika Padukone’s invite to the lucky someone read “Welcome to my world… Hope you have a great time living it. There are loads of surprises awaiting you… Love, Deepika”
When asked her about as to how she feels about all the love and attention that she gets from her fans, Deepika says, it’s a nice feeling. When asked her about whose fan she was, Deepika took her time to reply and said, Shahrukh hates when I say this, but I really admire all the actors and actress like Shahrukh, Salman, Aamir, Madhuri and Juhi because she grew up watching their movies. She also said that there is a lot to learn from all these people.
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