Obama to Revive Bush Policies

Obama to Revive Bush Policies
By Zaheerul Hassan
On November 8, 2008 newly elected US President Barack Obama in a telephonic conversation with President Zardari offered to play role in revival of Depleting Economic condition and fortifying the bilateral relations of two countries. He also said that he looked forward to further improve mutual relations and will provide full support for Democracy to Pakistan being their important ally. President Zardari while reciprocating his sentiments expressed the hope for better and improved relations between the two countries in coming days. Though Pakistan supported US out rightly in war against terror during Musharraf regime but even then relations between Washington and Islamabad remained tense because of US double standards policy in South Asia. Obama always remained prominent in making reckless statements in relation to Pakistan, Arab and Iran issues. During his campaign, he time and again categorically threatened to bomb Pakistan in case of its failure to act against Al-Qaeda militants. Though, later on slightly changed his revealed statement after facing the terrible critics of opponents John McCain and Mrs. Bill Clinton. Similar criticism has also been reflected in his part towards Russia and China too. The extreme thinking and ideas of Obama in relation to Islamic states, Russia, China and Korea if going to be translated into real policies will certainly push the world into disaster. Obama has the chance of changing foreign policies which could be helpful in establishment of peace in his country as well as world over, failing which world might face nuclear war and collapse of single super power. Obama must have viewed the speeches of Muslim leaders in Inter- faith Conference held at New York from 13- 14 November 08. Saudi King Abdullah and Pakistani President Zardari stated that efforts should be made to remove the gap between the religions for the permanent peace and world security. They revealed that terrorism is the enemy of all religions and civilization, calling for a united front to combat it and promote tolerance. King Abdullah further said that history reflects conflicts over religious and cultural issues had led to intolerance, caused devastating wars and bloodshed. Obama must be familiar of recently unveiled Bush’ Plan of attacking Saudi Arabia and Syria. He must take steps to build the confidence between America and other Islamic nations while pulling his troops back to their home land.
American polices can be viewed from two different angles which are its internal and external fronts. Obama will not going to make major shift regarding external front however visible changes will be noticeable in internal matters, since he has to fulfill his promises made during the election campaign with the nation. Moreover, he will definitely start investing for the second term win and also has to prove himself a true Christian American President having desire to prove better than white. Obama will try to make the general conditions of the blacks improve since he is already well aware of the narrow mind-ness of whites against Blacks. It is worth mentioning here that in US there used to be notice displayed on some of the countryside’s restaurants mentioning,” Dogs and Blacks are not permitted to enter in this restaurant’. The main focus of his policy will remain towards internal front and towards Middle East, since he would be interested of remembering in the history as that president who resolved Arab – Israel issue. Thus he will like to cash this issue as soon as possible off course prior to his second term. The policy towards Iran will be tougher than his predecessor because of his peculiar tendency and sympathies for Jews ethnic groups. In fact Jews lobby of America never let Israel to remain at loss because of their strong grip on US economy. During the Presidential Election Campaign Joshua Block, a spokesman for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), America’s pro-Israel lobby said that all of the leading presidential candidates have demonstrated a fundamental commitment to a strong US-Israel relationship. But some how Obama has gone to great lengths to achieve his target of wining Jews support over others. Obama co-sponsored the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act. He has joined several letters urging actions on behalf of the interests of the State of Israel, including a letter calling on the European Union to add Hezbollah to its list of terrorist groups, a letter urging. He has voted multiple times in favor of foreign aid and is a leader in pushing for divestment from Iran.” In an address at the 2007 NJDC Washington Conference, Obama promised that as president he would “stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel” in search of peace. Now again after wining the presidential election he assured strong commitment to the security of Israel as he promised on March 2, 2007 while addressing the audience in Chicago.

Obama will also be facing challenges of changed China and Russian policies towards US, since these supper powers have crystal clear regarding Washington Policy of attaining absolute supremacy in the world. Russia is coming out from that economic dip which resulted into her disintegration; similarly China also knows the US Encirclement Plan, her desire of capturing South Asian Market and supporting Tibetan Dali lama by India. China knows that CIA assisted by RAW are busy in creating hindrance while murdering Chinese Engineers employed on various projects of number of countries. Both China and Russia will be heading two wards joint forum against America, If Obama failed to bring change in current Bush policies relating to his state. In South Asia Washington always remained interested in controlling the region. China also aware of the fact that Indian are also being supported by Washington on her border dispute. She extending her hands toward India and made her Regional Police watch man. India expansion design is a constant danger to the South Asian Peace. India is being backed politically, economically and militarily by US after disintegration of Russia. As result she started overtly or covertly launching sabotage activities in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and China. So Obama has pull back Wishington support since continuation of such type of support might be risk for the world peace.

Obama remained quite unreasonable during his campaign Regarding, Pakistan but some positive change has also been observed in his attitude after winning over the election. He might not be aware of the facts that Pakistan was playing very important role in elimination of terrorism in the region where as Intelligence agencies of US ,India, Israel and Afghanistan are busy in initiation drone attacks, supporting militants and launching terrorists with a view to create instability in Pakistan. Thus continues deploring bilateral relations of Pakistan and US can only be improved, if Obama should goes for bringing change in the American policy. He must stop hot pursuit plan, respect others sovereignty, CIA be asked to stop blame game against ISI and backing RAW. It is also added here that Americans top brass must realize that all intelligence agencies are bound to guard their national interest but not at the cost of international and regional peace. New American government should devise policy of controlling their own intelligence agency that in collaboration with RAW is involved in clandestine operation South Asia.
President Asif Ali Zardari after the inter-faith conference is likely to extend his visit by a day or two to travel to Washington and Chicago to meet Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden. During election campaign, Obama also made an open offer to play his role in resolving burning issue of two traditional South Asian rivals Pakistan and India. He showed his desire to nominate former democratic President Bill Clinton as mediator in settling down long outstanding issue of Kashmir. Pakistan welcomed the Obama’ suggestion but Indian as usually displayed their reluctance in accepting US mediation because of her irresponsible behaviour towards the core issue of the region. President Zardari intends discussing once again Kashmir issue as security of the region.

On Novemebr 12, 2008 Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani stated in National Assembly that Pakistan would not tolerate violation of its territorial and aerial limits and the sovereignty and integrity of the country would be safeguarded at all costs. The prime minister said Pakistan is a responsible nuclear power and “we have to act responsibly”. “I assure the House that the government will do its best to safeguard the sovereignty of the country and will not let the nation down”. The American and Western media is in the habit of tabularization of the stories whenever some dignities visit US. In an article of Washington Post, Mr. David mentioned that Pakistan and the United States had a secret understanding that while Pakistan would continue to publicly protest US Predator strikes; privately it would have no such objection. In this connection Pakistan spokesman said that the understanding between the two countries is open and public. If the US comes in possession of any actionable intelligence, it is required to provide such intelligence to Pakistan which alone would take what action is considered necessary. The spokesman further stated that Pakistan’s sovereignty is not negotiable, a point that has been made more than once by national leaders, both in and outside government. In short, it’s the time for Obama to change his predecessor’s polices which have totally made the world insecure and dragging it to economical disaster. Newly elected US President Obama will be facing daunting challenges after entering in the White House. He knew that his win is a result of condemning wrong policies of Bush. Thus Obama must pull American hands from the so called war on terror if really believe in peace which will ultimately help in boosting US Economy. Otherwise, there might be disintegration in the world that will be the disintegration of Great America.
