Shining India or Declining India? by Wajiha Kiran Butt

A beautiful phrase has been drummed by western and indian media into the heads of millions of people all around the world to build an image of India as a fast growing and responsible country, having potential to become a world power in near future.But a question arises here, does this beautiful phrase “Shinning India” has any link with reality?
The uplifting images of india as a fastest growing economy in S.Asia and the largest democracy of the world are getting world recognition. But just step outside these glorious images for a moment, and look into the fringes of the picture, which actually make up the background. Having second largest population of the world, India is home to roughly one-third of all poor people living on this earth. India, according to the new estimates, had 456 million people or about 42% of the population living below the new international poverty line of $1.25 per day. The number of Indian poor also constitute 33% of the global poor, which is pegged at 1.4 billion people. India also has 828 million people, or 75.6% of the population living below $2 a day. Sub-Saharan Africa which is considered the world’s poorest region, is better — it has 72.2% of its population below the $2 a day level.Economists say millions of Indians still do not have access to potable water, electricity, decent housing or even good roads.Agrarian crisis and worsening food security for the poor across the country is growing with every passing day.There are daily reports of starvation deaths and increasing numbers of suicides by indebted farmers unable to cope with the strain. In rural areas the majority of Indian citizens live in more fragile, vulnerable and insecure material circumstances than a decade ago. The collapse in employment generation is creating depression in youth while the huge population is providing a large number of workers every year.Beside these facts the situation of human rights in India is very complexed.India consider itself a secular and democratic republic and its constitution provides basic human rights to all citizens.For any civilized person, its hard to believe that indian Dalits or untouchables are still suffering from centuries old inhuman caste system.Indian media is also under strict control of the government and cannot portray the real picture. In 1975 Mrs.Indra Gandhi said that All India Radio is a government organ and it is going to remain a government organ.That policy is still existing.Large scale Human trafficking is also a major concern over human rights situation in the country.Each year nearly twenty five thousand women and children from Bangladesh and ten thousand women from Nepal are trafficked to india for commercial sexual exploitation. Religious violance is another major problem for people living in India. The anti Sikh riots in 1984 and anti Muslim riots in 1992 and 2002 are just the example of minorities situation in India.On the other side the poor safety measures adopted by Indian nuclear management authorities are making india a greatest threat to the natural resources and environment of South Asia. India is currently facing the worst insurgencies of Nexalites, Kashmiris, Nagaland, Sikhs and other minorities all over the country.Millions of people are struggling to get rid off evil imposed on them by the Indian government.To look at the dramatic increase of difference between rich and poor, the worsening human rights situation for minorities and the up rising of insurgencies in the country, a very different picture emerges. Indeed India is shining for a very small proportion of its population,the rich and the richest but for the ninety percent of population India is on a fast way to decline.With the current policies, it will take centuries to turn existing India into shining India.
