Well Done General by A.D.Khalid

Today, world is in quest of peace, harmony, prosperity and mutual existence orientated on tolerance of each other. General Kiani, while addressing the Brussels conference showed the same hope by conveying the world; the concerns, challenges, and contributions and constrains of Pakistan in the fight against terrorism and peace in Afghanistan. New Year is exposing the Generals in front of the world with each passing day. The Year started with millennium statements of the Indian army chief who either talked of nuclear war or attacking two nuclear neighbors simultaneously and was boasting to defeat both. When Indian policy makers and highest officials are talking of wars with nuclear neighbors, humiliating the peace process and battling for becoming a superpower through short cuts; the generals on Pak side of the border are talking about peace instead of wars.
What remains to be seen now is whether the Afghan government and its western cronies as well as the Taliban would have the wisdom… to show the necessary flexibility for starting the process of dialogue aimed at genuine national reconciliation. It is the ground reality at the moment that neither of the Taliban and Coalition forces is in a rock-hard position to overpower other and exist successfully. They certainly require wisdom for dialogue and the same has been suggested by the Pak general in a very clear tone while talking at Brussels conference. Kiani voiced lucid that Pakistan neither wanted a “Talibanised” Afghanistan nor has interest for controlling Afghanistan. He further added in his speech “We can’t wish for anything for Afghanistan that we don’t wish for ourselves”. General further emphasized that peace, stability and economic stamina in Afghanistan was very necessary for long term interests of Islam Abad. General once again highlighted the sacrifices and resolve of Pakistan army and nation while fighting the war against terrorism and human and economic losses in the war had failed to deter Pakistan’s resolve. Recent operations of the army had very successfully improved the war situation by squeezing the spaces for terrorists in Afghanistan and having better control and continuous flow of logistics. General drew world attention towards sacrifices of the Pakistan in war against terrorism and reiterated NATO commanders “our strategic paradigm needs to be fully realized”. He said Pakistan was the second largest Muslim nation with atomic capability and located in the strategic region defined by competing interests defined with prolonged history of conflicts. Kiani very vocally expressed Pakistan’s future plan to go about the war by saying” Pakistan’s current operations are in transitory phase. We must consolidate our at hand gains and wholly calm down the secured areas, lest they fall back to terrorists. Constraints of capacity to maneuver, inadequate cutting edge counter intelligence and counter terrorism capability along with budgetary space should be factored in”. Actually this was cautioning the world to remind them to help Pakistan as per their promises and interests in the war against terrorism. Kiani also offered at the end, to train the Afghan army and police by saying “We have the capacity and the wherewithal to do so and Pakistan must

be trusted with it.” It was probably for the first time that an army commander from Pakistan talked the clear policy and desires of Pakistan in solving the Afghan war on a international forum. The message was clear and crisp and was listened by stake holders. As a response, NATO secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen offers to train Pakistani officers if requested by Pakistan. He further said that it will be a process driven by Pakistani demands.
On the other side, international extremists are gathering in India with their own agenda driven by the Zionist lobby who probably wants to drag US into a war in the Afghan region including China and Iran as well. This lobby has strong roots in America as well as India. Extremist elements in Indian society and Army are strengthening by each passing day. The statements of sacked Indian army chief of fighting two front wars with nuclear neighbors were actually the indication of the power of militant minds and extremist groups. However, India with its behavior and activities has become the main obstacle for peace process in Afghanistan and region as well. There are likely chances that Indians are either being used by US for its hidden agenda in Afghanisatn or they are willfully hosting the international extremists who definitely have roots in America as well, for their interests of becoming super power. Situation is interesting as Indian MI chief covertly visited Afghanistan before Brussels conference and met Karzai government officials as well as his own spies deployed in numbers in Afghanistan. India is interested to have foot hold in Afghanistan and wants to have role in training Afghan army and police. The subsequent aim is to interfere and destabilize Pakistan especially the Baluchistan while being in Afghanistan. Indian involvement will not only complicate the situation but also damage Pakistan’s national interests. The future trade volume from Gwadar port is also disturbing India keeping in views its future relations with Pakistan and china. On the other hand, Pashtuns of Afghanistan who are almost fifty percent of the population, see India as enemy and anti Taliban. More so, India will not be able to justify its presence in Afghanistan. After the covert visit of Indian general, the foreign office as well as army changed their tone towards Pakistan just to pressurize and started with same old blames of infiltration in Kashmir and Mumbai terror drama proceedings. Indian hegemonic designs in the regions and its enmity with Pakistan has now started conflicting the international hard work of war against terrorism and world must take a serious notice of this all. Pashtuns having deep roots in Taliban may react to resist Indian interference and their hard liner group may start their activities in India just to reply Indian mischief’s in Afghanistan and Pashtun belt of Pakistan including Baluchistan. Any extremist element reacting to Indian interference in Afghanistan may join Indian militants groups and consequences will be horrendous for India. At this critical juncture of time, India requires a policy and leadership who can comprehend the future challenges. Other than falling into the hands of international power brokers and extremist groups from inside, India will have to hold firmly its secular image with real implementation. India will have to address the grievances’ of people from with in and will have to regard the rights of its neighbors.
General Kiani has given a viable solution to pacify the war flames in Afghanistan. World have a chance to trust Pakistan for settling the long outstanding issue. But this will only be possible if India is harnessed for its activities sabotaging the efforts of war against terrorism. China must play its pivotal role at this spiky moment to stabilize the region. If India along with its international extremist friends is bunged, the peace in Afghanistan will be achieved with momentum, stabilizing the complete region; not only financially but also from foreign aggression.
